Amateur Radio Daily

"K4 9-11 Remembering Our Heroes Special Event."

Views expressed in this Amateur/Ham Radio News update are those of the reporters and correspondents.  Accessed on 21 August 2024, 1320 UTC.

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Russ Roberts (KH6JRM), Public Information Officer, Hawaii County (ARRL Pacific Section).,,

K4A 9-11 Remembering Our Heroes Special Event

The Alabama Contest Group will be operating the 9-11 Remembering Our Heroes special event September 8-11. The K4A special event station will be on the air to honor the victims of 9-11.

This year a new special QSL and certificate "Honoring Our Heroes" theme will be available. To those who contact K4A on 3 bands using any combination of bands/modes we will offer a full color glossy certificate on heavy paper which will be mailed in a full size Manila envelope all postage paid by the Alabama Contest Group, even if you are DX.

Additional details are available on the WA1FCN QRZ page.

Source: WA1FCN open_in_new

ARRL Board Establishes Information Technology Advisory Committee

During its July meeting, the ARRL Board of Directors approved the formation of the ARRL Information Technology Advisory Committee (ITAC). The committee is charged with overseeing the current ARRL information technology infrastructure as well as security of those systems. The board suggested the ARRL Investment Management Committee as a model for ITAC, referencing the desire to engage experts from the field to help oversee IT related tasks.

In the spirit of moving quickly, the ITAC is expected to have its initial meeting within 30 days of the July meeting and have a roadmap in place by January.

Source: ARRL [PDF] open_in_new

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