Amateur Radio Daily

"New Amateur Satellite payloads in orbit."

Views expressed in this Amateur/Ham Radio News update are those of the reporters and correspondents.  Accessed on 07 August 2024, 1547 UTC.

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Russ Roberts (KH6JRM), Public Information Officer, Hawaii County (ARRL Pacific Section).,,

New Amateur Satellite Payloads in Orbit

Two new satellites carrying several amateur radio focused payloads are now in orbit.

SONATE-2 originates from Julius-Maximilians-Universität in Germany and features an APRS digipeater. 421 messages were digipeated this past weekend. The satellite also features a VHF transceiver with SSTV downlink sending images captured by onboard cameras.

SSTV downlink

  • Regular downlink of images captured by the on-board cameras
  • Frequency: 145.880 MHz
  • Modulation: Martin M1 SSTV FM (F3F)
  • TX Power: 500mW

APRS digipeater

  • APRS digipeater in half-duplex operation. Digipeater is only active when published at When activated, it will transmit a greeting message every 2 minutes
  • Make sure to include SONATE-2 callsign DPØSNX in the APRS route
  • Frequency: 145.825 MHz Up/Down
  • Modulation: 1k2 AFSK (F2D)
  • Protocol: AX.25
  • TX Power: 500mW

ROBUSTA-3A, a 3U CubeSat built by students at Université de Montpellier in southern France, carries a 9k6 GMSK AX.25 store-and-forward digital system. The UHF transmitter features a powerful 3 watt downlink. Procedures and uplink frequency will be published soon. In the meantime, short telemetry bursts can be heard on its downlink frequency of 436.750 MHz.

Source: AMSAT open_in_new

Paris Olympics Special Event Active Through August 11

Special event station TM67JO is active to celebrate the Paris 2024 Olympic Games which began on Friday 26 July. The operators include F1LFL on SSB, F5PZT using FT8 and FT4, and F5TFW on CW. QSL to F1LFL via the Bureau or directly. For more information about the special event station, which will be operating until the 11 August, visit

Source: RSGB open_in_new

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