
Showing posts with the label Hawaii Allstar Net.

Hawaii Allstar Net.

Here are the latest Hawaii Allstar Net Activities, beginning on Saturday, 06 April 2024. Views expressed in this Amateur Radio News update are those of the reporters and correspondents.  Accessed on 07 April 2024, 0438 UTC. Content and Source: Allstar Net Activities. Submitted by Dave Pacheco (AH6OD). Russ Roberts (KH6JRM), Public Information Officer, Hawaii County (ARRL Pacific Section). Aloha All,    All radio amateurs are invited to the following Net activities from Saturday 30 March through 03 April 2024.  Please note times of the net are Hawaii Standard Times.     ****************************** ****************************** ****** Mililani LDS Emergency Response Net Saturday Night  06 April  at  (7:00pm)   Hawaii  Standard Time  Net Control: Peter K. (KH7PKK) - Wahiawa, Oahu   Net Control wil