Hawaii Allstar Net

"Hawaii Allstar Net Activities 08 June through 12 June 2024."

Views expressed in this Amateur/Ham Radio News update are those of the reporters and correspondents.  Accessed on 09 June 2024, 1156 UTC.

Content and Source: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzQVwwzgPQrJzjhTnFPMfSGVHQrQ/Hawaii Allstar Net Activities.

Content provided by Dave Pacheco (AH6OD).

Please scroll down to read your selections.  Thanks for joining us today.

Russ Roberts (KH6JRM), Public Information Officer, Hawaii County (ARRL Pacific Section).

https://bigislandarrlnews.blogspot.com, https://www.simplehamradioantennas.com, https://kh6jrm.blogspot.com.

Aloha All, 


All radio amateurs are invited to the following Net activities from Saturday 08 June through 12 June 2024.  Please note times of the net are Hawaii Standard Times.  


Mililani LDS Emergency Response Net Saturday Night 08 June at (7:00pm) Hawaii Standard Time


Net Control: Peter K. (KH7PKK) - Wahiawa, Oahu


Net Control will take check-ins from Mililani Stake first followed by others on the Allstarlink network to include other units in the Hawaiian Islands and mainland stations. This net is open to anyone who wants to participate.  Please observe a two second delay on key up time between each transmission.


Weekly Newsline Broadcast Sunday 09 June at 3:30pm Hawaii Standard Time


 Weekly Hawaii/Mainland AREDN Mesh Allstar Net starts Sunday at 4pm Hawaii Standard Time



East Hawaii Training Radio Net Sunday night at 6:45pm Hawaii Island Only – Every 2nd Sunday


Net Control: TBD


Net Control will take check-ins from East Hawaii Group first followed by others on Hawaii Island only. This net is open to anyone who wants to participate.  Please observe a two second delay on key up time between each transmission.  They will be testing radios and practicing repeater skills.  At 7PM, check in again on the simplex frequency of 146.460.


Your correspondent (WH6FSI) will serve as Net Control for the 6:45 Allstar Net portion, An NCS operator will act as Net Control for the 7:00 simplex net. 


This being “CERT Sunday,” our fellow CERT HAMs are particularly invited, but ALL HAMs ARE WELCOME AND ENCOURAGED to check in!


“See” ya on the radio.



Hilo LDS Emergency Response Net Monday Night 10 June at (8:30pm) Hawaii Standard Time


Net Control: Alex E. (AH6KZ) - Keaau, Hawaii


Net Control will take check-ins from Hilo Stake first followed by others on the Allstarlink network to include other Stakes in the Hawaiian Islands and mainland stations. This net is open to anyone who wants to participate.  He'll be operating from Keaau, Big Island using WH6DVI VHF repeater in Ainaloa.  Please observe a two second delay on key up time between each transmission.



Mililani LDS Emergency Response Net Wednesday Night 12 June at (8:00pm) Hawaii Standard Time

 Net Control: Parry M. (KH6LK) - Wahiawa, Oahu


Net Control will take check-ins from Mililani Stake first followed by others on the Allstarlink network to include other units in the Hawaiian Islands and mainland stations. This net is open to anyone who wants to participate.  Please observe a two second delay on key up time between each transmission.


All activities except the East Hawaii Radio Training Net can be heard on the following links:


For those outside the Hawaiian Islands, you can reach the network using any one of the Allstar Nodes 28508, 42616 or 45530

Allstar - Hawaii/Mainland Allstarlink Network via RF simplex and repeaters throughout the Hawaiian Islands.  Here is a link to view the RF frequencies depending upon where you reside:  https://drive.google.com/open?id=1yzLw8DZxYvQRL4lJKmA-KGpMn3aH4Ch_&usp=sharing


    Brandmeister/DMR:  TG 31158 "Hawaii Allstar Net"

Echolink - KH6IN-L



For those not licensed yet, you can listen to the net on the following website.   https://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/27598  


If anyone needs help, please let any of the sysops know.  Glad to be of assistance.

73 and aloha

Hawaii Allstar Group



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