On All Bands: An Amateur Radio Blog from DX Engineering.

"A Guide to June 2024 Ham Radio Contests."

Views expressed in this Amateur/Ham Radio News update are those of the reporters and correspondents.  Accessed on 05 June 2024, 0008 UTC.

Content and Source:  https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzQVwngXctFbXVncSdKppWhhNTsv/On All Bands.

Please scroll down to read your selections.  Thanks for joining us today.

Russ Roberts (KH6JRM), Public Information Officer, Hawaii County (ARRL Pacific Section).

https://bigislandarrlnews.blogspot.com, https://www.simplehamradioantennas.com, https://kh6jrm.blogspot.com.

OnAllBands - An Amateur Radio Blog by DX Engineering 1
A Guide to June 2024 Ham Radio Contests
Jun 4, 2024
A Guide to June 2024 Ham Radio Contests

While you’re gathering the gear you’ll need for a successful ARRL Field Day 2024 (June 22 – 23), be sure to take some time to keep your skills sharp by participating in an array of contests and operating events in June, plus a unique star-spangled opportunity in early July.

13 Colonies

For many operators in the U.S., setting up portable stations on Field Day is quickly followed by participation in the 13 Colonies Special Event (July 1 – 7, 2024), which has grown to become one of the most anticipated weeks on the amateur radio calendar. In addition to breaking through large pileups to reach stations in the original 13 colonies up the East Coast from Georgia to Massachusetts, operators will have the challenge of making QSOs with three bonus stations for a clean sweep: GB13COL (Great Britain), TM13COL (France), and WM3PEN (Philadelphia). Modes of operation (SSB, CW, RTTY, Digital, et. al.) are up to each colony/state and bonus station.

There’s still time to give yourself an edge in pursuit of that clean sweep by visiting DXEngineering.com, where you’ll find shack upgrades including transceiversHF amplifiersantennasantenna tunersCW keys and paddles, high-quality coaxial cable, and more.


Here are a few other contests and special events to mark on your calendar, including a few chances to enjoy 6 Meter Season:

  • 80th Anniversary Commemoration of D-Day: June 6, 1500Z to 2000Z. This special event is being sponsored by the South East Metro Amateur Radio Club in Cottage Grove, Minnesota. 
  • Portugal Day Contest: June 8, 1200Z to June 9, 1200Z. This SSB/CW 80-10M event, sponsored by the Redo dos Emissores Portuguesses, is held annually in honor of Portugal Day. Portugal Day commemorates the life of poet and national literary hero Lus de Cames, who died June 10, 1580. He is most remembered for his epic poem about Portuguese history and achievements, Os Lusiadas. This National Day of Portugal is celebrated in communities around the globe, including several U.S. cities. The contest is open to hams worldwide. Check out the rules here.
  • ARRL June VHF Contest: June 8, 1800Z to June 10, 0259Z. For amateurs in the U.S. and Canada to work as many amateur stations in as many different 2 degree x 1 degree Maidenhead grid squares as possible using authorized frequencies above 50 MHz. All legal modes are permitted.
  • VK Shires Contest: June 8, 0000Z to 2359Z. Per the contest website, the objective of this CW/SSB contest, sponsored by the Wireless Institute of Australia, is for amateurs around the world to contact as many “VK shires as possible in the contest period. VK amateurs are to work the world including VK, whilst the rest of the world can only work VK.”
  • LZ International 6 Meter Contest: June 15, 1400Z to June 16, 1400Z. This CW/SSB 50 MHz contest is organized by the Radio Club Lovech and the Bulgarian Federation of Radio Amateurs.
  • Audie Murphy’s 99th Birthday Celebration: June 15- 23, 0000Z-2359Z. The Sabine Valley Amateur Radio Association, K5GVL, of Greenville, Texas, is sponsoring this special event honoring the life of Audie Murphy (June 20, 1925-May 28, 1971), Hunt County Texas’ war hero and Congressional Medal of Honor recipient. Stations will be operating CW, FT8, and SSB from locations around the county and from the Audie Murphy American Cotton Museum grounds.
  • West Virginia QSO Party: June 15, 1600Z to June 16, 0400Z.
  • ARRL Kids Day: June 15, 1800Z to 2359Z. Here’s a great chance to introduce a son, daughter, or grandchild to the thrill of ham radio. Why not let the young people in your life experience the same excitement you felt when making your first QSOs? ARRL Kids Day is also an important time to remind ourselves that the future of ham radio rests in getting youth pumped up about the fun and practical aspects of this great hobby.

Kids Day Project Idea

Looking for a sure-fire activity for ARRL Kids Day? DX Engineering’s Single-Band Low-Power Dipole Kit (below) gives you the essentials to build a dipole antenna: a center insulator, two end insulators, and a right angle BNC connector. The center insulator and end insulators are essentially printed circuit boards. Once assembled, the center insulator doubles as a wire winder. The end insulators also function as rulers, aiding in antenna tuning. You provide the coaxial cable, light support rope, and 14- to 26-gauge wire cut to the length of your desired frequency. Solder the six soldering points and you’re ready to fine-tune your antenna and get on the air. Available as a single kit or in packs of 10 and 25.

dxe-dwk DX Engineering Single-Band Low Power Dipole Kit
(Image/DX Engineering)
  • All Asian DX Contest, CW: June 15, 0000Z to June 16, 2400Z. Sponsored by the Japan Amateur Radio League, this annual event is for both Asian and non-Asian stations making CW QSOs on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters.
dx engineering thunderbolt 160 meter antenna
(Image/DX Engineering)

The post A Guide to June 2024 Ham Radio Contests appeared first on OnAllBands.

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