The ARRL Current

"The most recent digital editions of QST, On The Air, QEX, and NCJ."

Views expressed in this Amateur/Ham Radio news update are those of the reporters and correspondents.  Accessed on 12 July 2024, 2233 UTC.

Content provided by The ARRL.  Copyright ARRL.


Please scroll down to read your selections.  Thanks for joining us today.

Russ Roberts (KH6JRM), Public Information Officer, Hawaii County (ARRL Pacific Section).



ARRL The Current 

10:38 AM (1 hour ago)
to me

Now Online! The most recent digital editions of QSTOn the AirQEX, and NCJ

Read Digital Issues Now

August QST

Digital Oscilloscope Specifications

Paul Danzer, N1II


As digital oscilloscopes become more widely used, it's important to understand how their specs differ from those of analog scopes, so we can better understand the data digital scopes provide. Learn more in "Digital Oscilloscope Specifications" by Paul Danzer, N1II. Read QST

July/August On the Air


A Step-by-Step Approach to Learning Morse Code

TJ Johnson, K9KJ


If you're trying to learn CW, TJ Johnson, K9KJ, offers resources and tips for "A Step-by-Step Approach to Learning Morse Code." Read On the Air

July/August QEX

Radial Configurations for Elevated 4-Square Arrays – Part 3

Al Christman, K3LC


Al Christman's, K3LC, analysis of elevated radials with folded configurations that allow for deployment in small spaces continues in "Radial Configurations for Elevated 4-Square Arrays – Part 3." Read QEX

July/August NCJ


Evolution of a Remotely Operated Contest Station

Michael Cresap, W3IP


Read about Michael Cresap's, W3IP, 22 years of "Evolution of a Remotely Operated Contest Station," from buying the land, to incremental upgrades in hardware, antennas, power, and more. Read NCJ

On the Air Podcast

ARRL Director of Emergency Management Josh Johnston, KE5MHV, joins the podcast to share details about ARRL's updated Emergency Communication courses, which have been broken into three successive levels — Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced. The courses are available free of charge at the ARRL Learning Center.

Listen Now

New ARRL Dual-band Momobeam 6/10 Antenna

The Momobeam is an easy-to-use antenna with a small footprint and a big reach. It is perfect for new hams, beginners, portable operators, university club stations, and even big stations looking for a lightweight yet robust antenna. Put this antenna on the air and operate 10 and 6 meters with a single feed line. Order Now!

Enjoy more than 250 Hints & Kinks from QST!

For decades, QST’s “Hints & Kinks”—now “Hints & Hacks”—has been one of the magazine’s most popular columns. If you’re looking for solutions to everyday problems, devised or discovered by your fellow radio amateurs, you’ll find it here. The new 19th edition of Hints & Kinks for the Radio Amateur gathers the best projects and problem-solving tips from 2012 through 2016. Order Now!

On-Air Events and Conventions

IARU HF World Championship | July 13 – 14


222 MHz and Up Distance Contest | August 3 – 4


Huntsville Hamfest, ARRL Alabama State Convention | August 17 – 18

Huntsville, Alabama


Northeast HamXposition, ARRL New England Division Convention | August 22 – 25

Marlborough, Massachusetts



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