ARLX006 Special Bulletin

"ARRL Southeastern Division Vice Director, Jeff Beals, WA4AW, SK."

Views expressed in this Amateur/Ham Radio News update are those of the reporters and correspondents.  Accessed on 24 July 2024, 1935 UTC.

Content provided by The ARRL.   Copyright ARRL.


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Russ Roberts (KH6JRM), Public Information Officer, Hawaii County (ARRL Pacific Section).,,


ARLX006 ARRL Southeastern Division Vice Director Jeff Beals, WA4AW





Special Bulletin 6 ARLX006

From ARRL Headquarters

Newington CT July 24, 2024

To all radio amateurs



ARLX006 ARRL Southeastern Division Vice Director Jeff Beals, WA4AW



The Vice Director of the ARRL Southeastern Division, Jeffrey J.

"Jeff" Beals, WA4AW, has become a Silent Key. He died on July 20,

2024. Beals, who was born in 1951, devoted a lifetime of service to

amateur radio, having served in many local clubs, the ARRL Field

Organization, and on the ARRL Board of Directors. He was also

elected Vice President of the Quarter Century Wireless Association

(QCWA) in 2023.


Beals was first licensed at the age of 12 in the early 1960s in his

native Long Beach, New York. He was active with the local 5 Towns

Radio Club and Nassau County Amateur Radio Emergency Service and

RACES. He even had a 2-meter radio on his bicycle. He held Amateur

Extra Class and First-Class Radiotelephone licenses from the FCC.


His service with amateur radio emergency communications included

serving as Section Emergency Coordinator for the ARRL Southern

Florida Section, Assistant SEC, District Emergency Coordinator for

the Gold Coast District, Emergency Coordinator and County RACES

Officer for Lee and Palm Beach Counties. He was also a member of the

ARRL National Emergency Response Planning Committee. He was

certified at all levels of ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency

Communications Courses, public relations training, and advanced FEMA



Beals received State of Florida commendations for service with

Hurricanes Andrew and Katrina. He was also deployed to Hurricanes

Frances, Jean, Wilma, Matthew, and Irma.


ARRL Southeastern Division Director Mickey Baker, N4MB, recalls that

Beals' passion for service involved getting others active in service

as well. "Jeff was a connector - his 'superpower' was finding

volunteers and organizing events so that others would see the value

of their service. 'We'll see you next time.' And you knew he would

call. He 'volunteered' many of us to charitable runs and bike rides,

the South Florida Fair and many other events that promoted amateur

radio, and hamfests. He volunteered entire clubs then challenged us

to show," wrote Baker of his long-time friend.


Beals was also active with the QCWA which he most recently served as

national Vice President. He was Secretary/Treasurer of the Palm

Beach Chapter 111 since 1999 and a member of the national board of

directors and Historian. He was also a member of the Highlands,

Edison, Everglades & Citrus Chapters of QCWA.


He was a life member of ARRL, QCWA, OOTC, and AWA and a Fellow of

the Radio Club of America. Beals was also Past President of the Fort

Myers and West Palm Beach Amateur Radio Clubs and a member of the

Wellington Radio Club, Port St. Lucie Amateur Radio Association,

Florida Contest Group, Florida East Coast DX Club and life member of

the Fort Myers Amateur Radio Club, West Palm Beach Amateur Radio

Club, Gold Coast Amateur Radio Association and Martin County Amateur

Radio Association. Section Manager of the ARRL Southern Florida

Section Barry Porter, KB1PA, worked closely with Beals. "Jeff knew

the lay of the land and how to get things done. He showed me the

ropes so I could be an effective section manager."


Beals held membership in the ARRL A-1 Operators Club, Old Timers

Club & Royal Order of the Wouff Hong. He also was named "Ham of the

Year" by the West Palm Beach ARC. He was an ARRL Certified Examiner

and Volunteer Examiner with ARRL and a Volunteer Examiner with W5YI

and Laurel VECs.


Baker said the boardroom will not be the same. "I will miss Jeff at

ARRL Board meetings - he would lean over and give me insight into

ongoing (live) issues, and we always discussed difficult issues.

Jeff has long-time friends, some from high school, on the ARRL

Board," said Baker.


Beals is survived by his wife, Myra Kitchen, K3PGH. Donations in

memory of Jeff Beals may be made to the ARRL Diamond Club, a fund

which supports ARRL. A memorial service will be held Friday, July

26, at 11:00 AM at The Beth Israel Memorial Chapel, 11115 Jog Road,

Boynton Beach, Florida 33437.





ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio®


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