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Amateur Radio Weekly

 "Hackers are the future, ham of the year, dog day special event."

Views expressed in this Amateur/Ham Radio News update are those of the reporters and correspondents.  Accessed on 20 July 2024, 1954 UTC.

Content supplied via email from Cale Mooth (K4HCK).

Source: Radio Weekly.

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Russ Roberts (KH6JRM), Public Information Officer, Hawaii County (ARRL Pacific Section).,,

Amateur Radio Weekly
Issue 340 July 20th, 2024

Top links

Are hackers the future of Amateur Radio?
Shaking off an image of being the exclusive preserve of old men with shiny radios talking about old times remains a challenge.
Amateur Radio Newsline announces Young Ham of the Year
Grace has been a regular presenter at the Youth Forum at Dayton Hamvention.
Amateur Radio Daily
International Dog Day special event
Calling attention to the urgent needs of abandoned, abused, neglected and homeless dogs by operating special event stations in Europe and the US.
International Dog Day
Understanding repeater speak
All that jargon that Hams use can seem like a foreign language to those who have had little exposure to Amateur Radio.
Ham Radio call signs discovered during university renovation
Alumni recall making infinite connections around the world.
Lehigh University
FCC hits 13 landlords in NYC metro area with pirate letters
Enforcement sweeps allege illegal FM broadcasts within the last year.
Review of the RFNM software defined radio
It is capable of wide bandwidth - up to 153.6 MHz.
Medium-wave sunset in Europe
European medium-wave transmitters are going silent.


Cheap FT-857d display replacement
George replaces a defective FT-857d display with an economical new option.
Amateurlogic TV

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