Amateur Radio Daily

"QRP To The Field (QRPTTF) Event this Saturday."

Views expressed in this Amateur/Ham Radio News update are those of the reporters and correspondents.  Accessed on 17 April 2024, 0045 UTC.

Content and Source: Radio Daily.

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Russ Roberts (

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QRP To The Field (QRPTTF) Event this Saturday

April 16, 2024

QRP To The Field (QRPTTF) asks hams to have fun operating low power at home, in the backyard, or out in the field. The scoring event takes place April 20th 0800-1800 your local time. All skill levels are invited to run CW or SSB.

View more information and scoring rules for QRPTTF.

Source: QRPTTF open_in_new

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