
Showing posts with the label June is Amateur Radio Month

June is Amateur Radio Month

"Hawaii Governor (has) declared June as Amateur Radio Month" in Hawaii. Views expressed in this Amateur/Ham Radio update are those of the reporters and correspondents.  Accessed on 29 June 2024, 2208 UTC. Content provided by The Office of the Governor, State of Hawaii.  PDF provided by Stacy Holbrook (KH6OWL) via Dave Pacheco (AH6OD). Source (PDF):   file:///C:/Users/atmeh/Downloads/Amateur%20Radio%20Month%202024%20(1).pdf Source: I was unable to convert the PDF into a word document, so please check the above links to read the full copy.  The PDF load may not work...the facebook post does work. Russ Roberts (KH6JRM), Public Information Officer, Hawaii County  (ARRL Pacific Section.).